Anadolu Sigorta Ethical Rules and Implementation Principles Policy
As Turkey’s first national insurance company, Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi (“Anadolu Sigorta” or “The Company”) adopts and applies in an uncompromising manner principles of superior professional ethics for the sake of protecting and upgrading the reputation of both the Company as well as the sector.
The purpose of this document comprises of setting forth and specifying the professional rules of ethics and principles of application required to be adhered to by the Company in its relations with its customers and other stakeholders further and in addition to the existing laws and regulations, including any measures to be taken in case of non-congruence with such principles; and serve as basis to the sanctions applicable by the Company. In the event it is acted in departure from the provisions under such principles, serves as basis for the sanctions to be applied by the Company under the Discipline Regulation as well as Collective Labor Agreement.
All Company employees, managers and Board of Directors Members (“Employees”) comply with these principles.
All Employees of the Company conduct and perform their duties within framework of the general principles listed and specified hereinbelow with the purpose of maintaining trust and persistence in the insurance sector, upgrading service quality, avoiding and preventing unfair competition as well as operations and applications which might result in economic losses, enhancing social benefits.
Ethical principles are not limited to those listed under this document. Any and all acts similar to these acts are included in the rules required to be complied by the Employees.
It is the responsibility of all Employees to protect and use effectively all assets of the Company in cash and in kind.
All assets of the Company are used in accordance with the primary business goal.
The Company performs in full and on time such requirements towards preventing laundering of illicit money and financing of terror; follows-up the relevant national as well as international legislations in relation therewith; cooperates to this end with the competent entities and organizations.
It is acted in an honest manner in the relations with customers, agencies including employees and shareholders, group companies, suppliers, in short with any and all persons, entities and institutions.
It is of essence to act in accordance with the legal regulations in practice, primarily those in relation with the insurance business.
In the course of operations, it is of critical essence not to use the advantages granted and enabled to the sector within framework of the laws, with the purpose and intent of obtaining benefits in such a way and manner conflicting with the matters listed under the legal regulations concerning insurance business and described under the said principles, however they might be formally in accordance with the laws.
It is acted in accordance with such principles and methodologies originating from the international initiatives that the Company has subscribed to or declaring support therefor.
Employees are not allowed to be involved with any behavior and activities binding for them which are in departure with the rules imposed by the authorized bodies of the Company in respect of the functioning of the Company. They are not permitted to perpetrate with any acts and deeds not in compliance with the interests and welfare of the sector.
Aspects of the Company operations regarding the environment and climate are regulated under Environment and Climate Change Policy.
Employees do not discriminate amongst agencies, suppliers, other business partners and customers, avoid prejudiced behavior and also refrain from any and all kinds of discrimination in respect of services provided.
Employees are not entitled to share in their personal social media accounts, forums, blog pages and such other similar public open Internet or mobile application platforms such company data and particulars other those announced through the official channels of the Company (particularly data not verified to be true and correct, contents liable to violate any copyrights, contents which might lead to negative ideas and opinions about the Company and its services or give rise to uncertainties and incongruities, or such other written, visual or multimedia contents contradicting with the principle of confidentiality).
Employees are not allowed to share in any media any statements, writings, notices, advertisements which might cause generation of negative images both about the employees of the Company or employees of other companies in the sector; nor make any implications to that effect.
Disclosure policy of our company, approved by the Board of Directors, is described herein.
Any modification thereto, including the justification will also be disclosed to public after it is approved by the Board of Directors.
General Framework
Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi fulfills its obligations of public disclosure of financial and other type of information as required mainly by the Law on Insurances and relevant regulations hereunder and Capital Markets Legislation, Turkish Commercial Code and the legislation governing the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST), through which our shares were listed and exchanged, in line with the generally accepted accounting principles and corporate governance principles; therefore, it follows a detailed public disclosure policy.
Main purpose of the disclosure policy is to ensure true, complete, convenient, less costly, understandable and fair conveyance of necessary information and disclosures, other than those classified as trade secret, to shareholders, investors, employees, clients, creditors, reassurers and other concerned parties.
Having an active approach for the adoption and implementation of Corporate Governance Principles, our company attaches utmost care for compliance with the requirements of the relevant legislation and best international practices with respect to public disclosure. Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi Disclosure Policy has been prepared within the scope of above principles and put into practice after its approval by the Board of Directors.
Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi uses Public Disclosure Platform (PDP), Central Registry Institution (E-Company), Electronic General Assembly System (EGAS), national/local newspapers, Turkey's Trade Registry Journal and company's official website for informing the public.
Authorization and Responsibility
The Board of Directors is responsible and authorized for preparation, monitoring, auditing and improvement of public disclosure policy of our company. Directors in charge of financial management and reporting and Investor Relations Department have been appointed for the responsibility of conducting and coordination of disclosure function under the policy. The officials of the mentioned department perform their duties in coordination with the Audit Committee, Corporate Governance Committee and the Board of Directors.
Public Disclosure Operations and Methods and Instruments Used
Public Disclosure operations and methods and instruments used for these operations under the legislation on insurances, Capital Markets Legislation, Turkish Commercial Code and other relevant legislation are described below:
Financial statements and notes and explanations thereof for each quarter, which are Prepared in accordance with the legislation issued by the Undersecretary of Treasury, Directorate General of Insurance and Capital Markets Board and signed with an attestation by the Committee Members in charge of Audit and the Director General or Directors in charge of financial reporting, and external audit reports, issued annually semi-annually are published on our website and reported to the Public Disclosure Platform (PDP) within its legal deadline. Furthermore, our company issues financial statements for each quarter and upload them to the portal managed by the Undersecretary of Treasury and convey most of these statements also to the Turkish Insurers Union (TIU) for informative reasons.
Disclosures for special cases, which must be notified pursuant to the Capital Markets Board (CMB) legislation, are notified to PDP within its legal deadline. Disclosures for special cases are published on the company website of Anadolu Sigorta on the next business day at the latest following the public disclosure and stays on the website for a duration of 5 years.
For the purpose of ensuring the confidentiality during the time until the public disclosure of special cases, persons who have access to insider information are informed about the requirements stemming from the relevant legislation. As for those who may have access to insider information through the service supplied from them, their contracts include a clause of confidentiality. On the other hand, Anadolu Sigorta carefully complies with the legislative requirements imposed by the Law on Insurance No. 5684 and relevant legislation requiring the safekeeping the customers' secrets and not disclosing them to parties other than those who are explicitly authorized by the law. This requirement binds not only the Anadolu Sigorta employees but also the employees of the companies through which the company gets support services.
In accordance with the legislation and the provisions of the Company Charter, announcements and notifications for changes to the Company Charter, General Assembly meetings, capital raise, reporting of year-end financial statements are given on the TTRJ and national newspapers. Documents and information about the General Assembly are delivered to shareholders through Electronic General Assembly System in line with the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code.
Each year before the General Assembly meeting, annual activity report, in line with the relevant legislation, is presented for the examination of shareholders with a view too include all necessary information and descriptions and is published on our website (Both in Turkish and in English) and reported to PDP. When requested, this report may be obtained in print from our Investor Relations Department.
Regular meetings and briefings are not part of our policy. Instead, where requested or needed to respond to questions raised by the press members, press releases are made on the printed and visual media.
Press statements to printed and visual media may be made by the Chairman of the Board, the Director General or its Deputy or other officials assigned by them. News about our company published on national or international media are followed by a professional media monitoring agency. Therefore, in case of a necessity of a disclosure for special case, which must be notified pursuant to the relevant legislation, necessary briefing is made on the subject gathering the departmental information from concerned departments.
When making a statement to press on news and talks, which are not classified as a special case disclosure by a legislation, type and content of the statement are defined according to certain factors such as the news' feature, size of the target audience of the media, whether the news affect the company reputation. If these news and rumors inherit a matter which requires the company to make a public disclosure, a special case disclosure is then made in line with the provisions of relevant legislation.
International and national investor meetings and road-shows are used to convey information to shareholders and to other concerned parties. These meetings and visits which were organized and managed by Investor Relations Department are sometimes attended by Director General, Directors in charge of financial management and reporting and the personnel of the Investor Relations Department. Where needed, the size of these contact teams may be enlarged. To ensure that all market participants are simultaneously and equally informed, the reports and presentations disclosed during the introductory and information meetings held with investors are published on the company website under the Investor Relations Section.
Investor Relations Department delivers via e-mail necessary information, mainly financial statements, to shareholders, national and international investors and to those companies which releases research reports on our company.
Investor Relations Section of the official website of our company ( includes detailed information and data on our company. This section is managed and kept up-to-date by the Investor Relations Department. All questions sent by all stakeholders via e-mail, regular mail, phone, etc. are answered at the shortest delay under the coordination of the Investor Relations Department.
Other Notifications
Notifications other than above are disclosed to public with signature of the officials whose power of signature was indicated in the company's certificate of signature.
In case of disclosure of forecasts for the company, which may affect the investor decisions, the Board of Directors, Director General or other officials assigned by the latter make necessary disclosures via Public Disclosure Platform, activity reports or other means defined by the legislation. In case of a significant difference between the issues disclosed earlier and realizations, a statement may be released according to relevant legislation.
Defining the Persons with Administrative Responsibility
Persons with administrative responsibility are the members of the Board of Directors and those, who are not a member of the Board, yet, have regular access to internal information of our company, directly or indirectly, and who are entitled to take administrative decisions which may affect the future development and commercial ends of our company.
Therefore, in defining the persons with administrative responsibility, the duties of the persons in the Company organization and the nature of the information which may be accessed by these persons are taken into account.
In addition to Members of the Board, Director General and Deputy Director Generals, managers of certain departments, who have access to all information regarding the Company and who are entitled to take administrative decisions on matters such as active-passive structure, profit-loss, cash-flow, strategic targets, (decisions, which may affect these matters at macro level) have also been determined as persons with administrative responsibility.
Official Website of Anadolu Sigorta
Our company's official website is actively used for informing the public and disclosure. The website includes all information and data envisaged by the Corporate Governance Principles and Regulatory Authorities in Turkish and English. This website is always kept updated with due care.
E-Company platform may also be used in communication with shareholders, a platform which was established within Central Registry Institution in accordance with pursuant to the provisions of Turkish Commercial Code on websites, which can be accessed through "Bilgi Toplum Hizmetleri" link. Documents indicated in the relevant legislation can be accessed through this platform.
Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi Dividend Distribution Policy
Dividend distribution principles applicable to the company’s shareholders and other persons participating in the profit are governed by the relevant arrangements contained in the Turkish Commercial Code, the Capital Market legislation and the company’s Articles of Incorporation.
The dividend distribution proposals submitted by the company’s Board of Directors for approval by the General Assembly are prepared so as to maintain the delicate balance between the shareholders’ expectations and the company’s need to grow, taking into account the company’s forecasts about operations, capital adequacy targets, and the conditions prevailing in the capital markets, as well as the company’s profitability.
The dividend distribution policy espoused by the Board of Directors is based on the principle of proposing at the General Assembly to distribute at least 30% of the net distributable profit for the period calculated according to the legal accounts, in bonus shares and/or in cash.
In cases where the net distributable profit for the period calculated according to legal accounts remains below 5% of the company’s paid-in capital, the Board of Directors may propose to the General Assembly not to distribute dividends.
Care is paid to make the dividend payouts within the period of time set by the General Assembly, which must not be later than the end of the year in which the General Assembly meeting was convened, provided that such date is within the timeframes stipulated in the Capital Market legislation.
Pursuant to the company’s articles of incorporation, our employees are paid dividends up to three times of their salaries from no more than 3% of the amount remaining after setting aside the first dividends.
The company may distribute advances on dividends provided that the principles and procedures set forth in the Capital Market legislation are adhered to.
There are no preferential shares in the company.
No founder’s bonus certificates are given, nor are dividends paid to the Board Directors
Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi Human Resources Policy
The basic principles of the Company's human resources policy are stated below.
Job descriptions and distributions, along with the performance criteria are set by the Company management and announced to the employees.
Hiring activities are based on the principle of giving equal opportunities to people of equal qualities. Criteria for hiring are put into writing on the basis of titles and are followed in practice.
In decisions on training, transfer and promotion, objective data are used and the Company's interests are observed as much as possible.
Training plans are formulated aimed at developing our employees' knowledge and skills.
Company employees are members of the Bank and Insurance Employees Union.
Safe working environment and conditions are provided for our employees; work is undertaken to improve these conditions depending on social and technological necessities.
Decisions made in relation to our employees or developments concerning them are shared with the employees.
Measures are adopted to prevent discrimination on the basis of race, religion, language and sex among the employees, to ensure human rights are respected and to protect the employees against internal physical, mental and emotional abuse.
There is no exercise of appointing representatives to carry the relationship with the employees.
Corporate Governance Committee
Overseeing the Company’s compliance with corporate governance principles, undertaking improvement work thereon and submitting proposals to the Board of Directors.
Head of Committee: Dr. Nesip İlker Altıntaş
Member: Zeliha Göker
Member: Barış Hüseyin Şafak
The Corporate Governance Committee was set up upon approval by the Board of Directors decision 5508 dated 10 March 2005. The Committee is formed, subject to corporate governance principles, by the Board of Directors and primarily from amongst Directors. As and when needed, non-Director individuals who are specialized in their respective fields can also be assigned to the committee. The CEO does not take place in this Committee.
The Committee consists of a minimum of two members. The majority of the Committee members consist of non-executive Board Directors. The head of the Committee is elected from amongst independent Board Directors.
The term of office for the Corporate Governance Committee is, in essence, parallel to that of the Board of Directors; the Committee, however, will remain in office until the completion of the predetermined compliance process, when the Board of Directors is succeeded.
To the extent possible, the Committee meets consistently with the Board of Directors meetings. Committee decisions are adopted on the basis of the majority of votes cast.
In essence, the Corporate Governance Committee;
Audit Committee
Overseeing the operation and efficiency of the Company’s accounting system, public disclosure of financial information, independent auditing of the Company, and internal control system.
Head of the Committee: Prof.Dr. Ferda Yerdelen Tatoğlu
Member: Prof.Dr. Seda Ertaç Güler
Following the Committee meetings, the head of the Committee provides written reports on the activities of the Committee to the Board of Directors, and either informs the members of the Board Directors, or provides them to be informed, on the Committee’s meeting minutes.
In essence, the Audit Committee;
Committee of Early Detection of Risk
Managing the risks that might threaten the existence, progress and survival of the Company.
Head of the Committee: Prof.Dr. Seda Ertaç Güler
Member: Prof.Dr. Ferda Yerdelen Tatoğlu
Member: Muzaffer Okay
The Committee of Early Detection of Risk was set up as a result of the discussion of the proposal by the CEO’s office dated 24 February 2012, numbered 3550, pursuant to Article 4.5.1 of the Communiqué Serial: IV No: 56 on the Determination and Implementation of Corporate Governance Principles enforced upon its publication in the Official Gazette issue 28158 dated 30 December 2011.
The term of office for the Committee of Early Detection of Risk is, in essence, parallel to that of the Board of Directors.
The Committee:
Investor Relations Unit
An 'Investor Relations Unit' has been set up in the Company in 2005. Barış Hüseyin Şafak serves in this unit.
The head of the unit is Barış Hüseyin Şafak.
Contact information for our employee working in this unit is as follows.
Name | Title | Phone No | |
Barış ŞAFAK | Finance Coordinator | 0 850 744 02 54 | |
Mr. Barış Hüseyin Şafak executes his position as the head of the unit, directly affiliated to the Head of Corporate Governance Committee.
This unit is active in the exercise of shareholding rights and establishes the communication between the Board of Directors and the Shareholders.
In its activities, the unit reports to the Board of Directors.
In essence, the Investor Relations Unit works to;
I. Introduction
Due to the increasing sensitivity of international public opinion regarding anti-money laundering and combating finance of terror, many countries are making regulations thereon and reinforcing their current applications. There has been various arrangements made in Turkey, too and the same sensitivity is also shared by the Turkish public.
Being the most long-established insurance company of Turkey; Anadolu Anonim Turk Sigorta Sirketi (Company), which adopted the Institutional Management Principles and has shares trading on the stock exchange; deems anti-money laundering and combating finance of terror as a social responsibility and far beyond conformance with legal arrangements, gives great importance to this combat.
The Company's policy on anti-money laundering and combating finance of terror is based on international contracts and undertakings, in which Turkey is a party, on the rules of the Act of Anti-Money Laundering nr.5549, which came into effect as of October 18th, 2006, the date it was published on the Official Gazette, and on its absolute faith and determination in preserving the respect and trust of its brand.
II. Abbreviations and Definitions
Terms are as follows;
The Company : Anadolu Anonim Turk Sigorta Sirketi
FATF : Financial Action Task Force
Money Laundering : Transactions made in order to present illegal earnings as legal earnings, by putting them into the financial system and transforming them into non-cash items and making them legitimate by a process in the financial system and changing their identity.
The Principle o : "Know Your Customer" Within the framework of FATF Forty Recommendations; the principle, which is displayed under the precautions to be taken by financial or non-financial institutions and business people or professionals in order to avoid money laundering and finance of terror, is designed for paying attention to acquire complete and true information about customers and for adopting the practices of taking all necessary steps.
III. Objective
In its approach to the subject, the Company trusts in the importance of being effective in internal arrangements and as a policy aims to;
IV. Scope
The scope of this policy includes the Head Office of the Company, regional branches, agents, brokers and if the regulations of the related country is available, the foreign branches.
V. Knowing the Customer
As the most effective way of anti-money laundering, the Company adopts policies, principles and applications that are in compliance with legal regulations within the scope of the principle of "Know Your Customer". The aim is to provide clarity in customer transactions and information, and to build and maintain a relationship that is based on mutual trust.
V.a. General Principles on Customer Acceptance
Customer is accepted after making the necessary transactions for determining the customer's
Furthermore, necessary care and attention is given to the following issues:
V.b. Procedure for Identity Determination and Storing of Records
VI. Individuals and Corporates That Will Not Be Accepted As Customers
VI.a. Individuals and Corporates Whose Real Identities and Addresses Cannot Be Determined
Individuals and corporates, who want to take out a policy with a different name other than their real identity, which avoid or are unwilling to fill out the customer identification forms, or give misleading, non-confirmable information are not accepted as customers. The Company abstains from giving insurance services to them.
VI.b. Individuals and Corporates Whose Names are Stated in the Lists Published by Public Institutions, On Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Finance of Terror
Individuals and corporates whose names are stated in the lists prepared in scope of combating the income from crimes (such as OFAC List) published by public institutions are not accepted as customers. The Company do not intermediate the insurance transactions of the individuals and corporates whose negativities have been detected on this matter after the initiation of the customer relationship.
VII. Real Persons and Corporates with Whom Extra Care Should be Taken in Order to be Accepted as Customers
VII.a. Reinsurers
In selecting the counter financial institutions with which a reinsurance relationship will be established, the Company carefully attends whether they have the qualifications to take the necessary care related the policies, practices and controls for anti-money laundering and finance of terror.
VII.b. Transactions of Customers Residing in or Related to Risky Geographical Places
Foreign and domestic risky regions and territories, falling into the below mentioned categories, are defined and the customers residing in or related to these places are monitored more strictly and closely.
Special attention is given to conduct these principles, especially during the process of opening an account to the financial institutions residing in risky geographical places or in countries that are listed by FATF as Non-Cooperative Countries.
Non-Cooperative Countries
Special attention is given when serving, mediating transactions for and establishing business relationships with the citizens, companies and financial institutions of the countries, which do not adopt or weakly adopt FATF's recommendations, thus take place in FATF's list of Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories (NCCTs).
If these transactions do not have any apparent legal or economic purpose, the origin and purpose of the transactions are investigated and the results are recorded for the use of competent authorities.
Offshore Regions, Free Zones and Finance Centers
Special care and attention is given to the transactions of customers residing offshore, in free zones and international finance centers where there is strict banking rules for confidentiality, thus which are, by providing confidentiality, tax advantage and exemption from court, centers of attraction for concealing funds gained from organized crime or used in financing terror.
VII.c. Sectors and Business Lines Sensitive in Terms of Money Laundering
Utmost care is taken in providing insurance services to sectors and business lines where cash transactions are widespread. It is ensured that customer identity and other informative documents as well as sectoral data are recorded carefully and completely.
VIII. Risky Insurance Operations
VIII.a. Insurance Operations Concerning Primary Crimes
In case of effecting policies for risks or losses about those cautionary risks concerning shipping of exported or imported goods, export credits, fire, theft and other risks for goods in depots and warehouses and other risks on loss of profit, infidelity and shipping of property including cash money; the Company pays the necessary attention in terms of primary crimes as stated by the Law like smuggling of historical artifacts, preparing false invoices, counterfeiting specific and formal documents or professional fraudulency.
VIII.b. All Sorts of Loss Operations
The examination of loss records, transactions over actual documents and the confirmation of the documents with all possible measurements are in principal. The Company pays careful attention to favoring experts concordant with the type of loss and to the preparation of records of agreed value estimations made by experts on the spot.
VIII.c. Cash Transactions
Taking special care for cash transactions of high amounts and high frequency in premium payments is a must for employees as well as agents and they are informed in this respect.
VIII.d. Electronic Fund Transfers
Complete address and name of the remitters and beneficiaries and/or account number of beneficiaries should take place in transfer messages in domestic and international electronic fund transfers made by The Company.
VIII.e. Transactions of Non-Profit Aid Organizations
Extra care is taken for the transactions of non-profit aid organizations, by taking into consideration the possibility of them being exploited especially by terrorist organizations and those gaining income from crime.
IX. Determining and Reporting Suspicious Transactions
Company employees take extra care for transactions;
In case of being confronted with these kinds of transactions, information and documents related with those transactions are provided in a way to help internal auditors, investigators and legal affairs units and are reported to the Internal Auditing Department.
XI. Watching, Internal Auditing and Reporting Activities
Internal auditing, reporting and communication systems for providing the compliance to anti-money laundering obligations, determining beforehand and preventing from suspicious transactions and revealing the suspicious transactions are composed in control and coordination with the Internal Auditing Department which operates under the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Company builds up risk-sensitive based systems providing the classification of customers and the categorization of operations and accounts in order to identify suspected operations. Special account is taken in application of such systems.
XII. Intra-Corporate Training
In anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terror, in order for legal and managerial obligations to be fully known by Company's employees, special importance is given to the knowledge of primarily managers and all employees to be enough by benefiting from the arrangements and disclosures made by official and professional institutions that operate in domestic and international fields of combating the money laundering and terror financing, along with advises, standard and scientific works.
XIII. Answering the Inquiries of Reinsurers and Other Institutions
Under the control of Internal Auditing Department, the attendant department meets the demands of reinsurers and other institutions with business relations with the Company, about information related to the Company's implementations on anti-money laundering and combating finance of terror.
XIV. Storing of Records
Special importance is given to storing all information, documents and records that has to be taken from customers as per the "Anti-Money Laundering" legislation operative in Turkey in a way that provides easy access when needed, at least for a minimum period of time indicated in the legal arrangements.
XV. Obligation to Deliver Information and Documents
The reporting activities within the context of continuous notification and the demands of the institutions and officers that are authorized to request information and documents from insurance companies are being fulfilled with maximum care and attention.
XVI. Operative Effect
These policies become operative upon release. The General Management makes the arrangements in the Company's legislation and applications in compliance with these policies
Main Sections | Rating |
Shareholders | 95.54 |
Public Disclosure and Transparency | 97.85 |
Stakeholders | 96.70 |
Board of Directors | 94.30 |
Average | 95.86 |
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